Annual Event since 1998
The Klenke Bowl
The Klenke Bowl is held yearly in loving memory of Kraig Klenke
MPS and ML disorders affect major organs including the respiratory system, heart, bones and even the nervous system. MPS and ML primarily affect children; it is caused by the body's inability to produce certain enzymes. At the present time, there is no cure. The National MPS Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to those individuals and their families affected with MPS and related disorders.

A $25.00 Registration Fee Includes:
Shoes, 2 Games and an Event T-Shirt
(While supplies last)
Minimum $25 registration fee.
Online Auction
View items and place your bids online.
View items and place your bid on-line. Online silent auction will end during the 20th Anniversary Klenke Bowl event on Saturday, April 7, 2018 at 3 PM
Please Note: The on-line auction is in addition to the Bake Sale and Auction that takes place each year at the event!