Try to collect all donations before the event.

How to Pay
Use the on-line Registration and Payment feature above or send your payment to:
Klenke Bowl
7604 Sherry Creek Road
Worden, IL 62097
Please make your check payable to:
National MPS Society
Send an email to Kris to let her know names of bowlers. kris @ (Exclude Spaces)
Additional Information
Individual and Family/Teams may bowl with a $25 minimum entry fee per person.
Make checks payable to "The National MPS Society".
Donation forms and money must be turned in at the registration table on the day of the Bowl-A-Thon, Saturday, April 7, 2018 to qualify for prizes.
Registration begins at 12:30 PM. Bowling begins at 1:00 PM. Location: Poplar Junction Lanes & Lounge - 301 Poplar Street, Highland, Illinois. Phone 618-654-2695.
Trophies will be awarded in the following categories: Individual with the highest bowling score in the Adult/Youth/Child categories.
A bake sale will be held throughout the event. Silent auction will close at approximately 2:00 PM.
Special event t-shirts will be available for participants while supplies last.
Additional Questions
Contact Kris Klenke by email:
kris @ (Exclude Spaces)
Or by phone at: (618) 781-3295
Thank you for your support!